Active Ageing
Ageing actively in the community
In tandem with Healthier SG, which looks at preventive care for all Singaporeans, we need a tailored approach targeted at supporting seniors to age actively and healthily.
The enhancement of the Active Ageing Centres (AACs) is one of our key strategies.
We are scaling up the number of AACs from 157 today to 220 by 2025, so that 8 in 10 seniors will have an AAC near their homes.
To further improve accessibility, we will leverage community spaces beyond the AAC premises, such as by co-using Residents’ Networks (RN).
We will strengthen the programmes offered by AACs through standardised evidence-informed initiatives across five key domains of social, physical health, cognitive, learning and volunteerism.
These include befriending services, group physical activities and other active ageing programmes, and social support for vulnerable seniors. These evidence-informed programmes cater to all seniors, with different programmes designed for different needs.
AACs will encourage seniors to be engaged through activities, such as communal meals, as a starting point to foster social interactions and reduce social isolation. The Silver Generation Office (SGO) will also prioritise outreach to seniors at greater risk of social isolation and frailty and encourage them to join their neighbourhood AACs.
To do so, MOH will dedicate around $800 million from FY2024 to FY2028, to better resource AACs to connect to a significantly larger pool of seniors, so as to achieve our vision of seniors ageing well in their homes and communities.
Can I attend an AAC?
Yes! The AACs are suitable for all seniors who would like to remain physically, mentally and socially active. They offer a range of activities and programmes for seniors with varied interests and abilities.
Interested to participate in an AAC?
You may walk in to your nearest AAC to take part in their programmes and activities. Click here to locate your nearest AAC.
Alternatively, you may contact the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) at 1800-650-6060 or email them for assistance to find your nearest AAC.
Are activities and programmes offered by the AACs free of charge?
Most activities offered by the AACs are free for seniors to enjoy. However, depending on the service provider, there may be some unique activities that require a small fee for participation.
Keen to share a skill, or support fellow seniors?
AACs will also offer more opportunities for seniors to volunteer, keeping them active, purposeful and involved in their community.
There is a wide range of volunteering opportunities for seniors with varying interests. Senior volunteers can organise active ageing programmes for fellow seniors, such as simple exercise programmes, preparing meals for communal dining, and befriending seniors who are at risk of social isolation.
AIC will provide training through the Silver Guardian programme to equip seniors with the necessary skills, before matching senior volunteers to diverse volunteering opportunities at the AACs.
We aim to double the number of senior volunteers trained by AIC to around 4,000 senior volunteers by 2025.
Sign up as a Silver Guardian today!